The spring wasn't that great for shed hunting with my man, Grubby Guy. I was training for a half-marathon, so spent most of my spring running. GGuy got out hunting a few times without me, but just once with me. We went in late May to a spot GGuy had been wanting to check out (he's sworn me to secrecy). We wanted to get up on top of a mesa, so took the ATV as far as we could before walking into the woods. We missed the game trail going out, so forged our own path. Once on top of the mesa, we spread out...I quickly found one deer horn, and was totally thrilled! Grubby Girl: 1; Grubby Guy: 0! GGuy went to scan the area on a hill while I stayed in the sagebrush flats and started walking back and forth, doing my best to set up an effective screen. I mostly looked at the amazing wildflowers, and meandered to places I thought the elk would like to hang out. It must've worked because I found two more elk horns and a deer horn. GGirl: 3; GGuy: 1 (tiny one at that). I was doing great, just really enjoying being outside and smelling the sage, and then I found the elk head high in a tree...I figured that anything that could drag an elk up a tree was not something I wanted to tangle with, so I high-tailed it out of there...Called GGuy on the walkie talkie to tell him I was going back, found the game trail I missed on my way up, and scurried back to the ATV to wait for GGuy and eat my sandwich. All in all, pretty successful hunt. With the right mindset, it really is like a treasure hunt.
Grubby and glad to be home,
Great photos Kristen!