Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The 10-Minute Rule

Sometimes, the hardest part of getting outside and getting exercise is getting off the couch and out the door.

“I’m soooo tired!”

“I’m coming down with something.”

“I don’t feel like it!”

“Ugh! I’ll do it tomorrow.”

Sound familiar? I know I’ve said all of these things more than once. It’s hard to find time to exercise, especially when you’ve fallen out of the habit, or have never been in the habit. It’s hard to think about the whole workout in front of you. It can feel overwhelming and intimidating.

It doesn’t have to be. One of my favorite keys to success for maintaining a regular workout schedule is what I call my 10-Minute Rule. I force myself out the door and promise myself just 10 minutes. I know I can do anything for 10 minutes. I give whatever I am doing – walking, running, riding my bike - my full effort, whatever I can do that day, the full 10 minutes. After that, I check in. How do I feel? How does my body feel? Can I go on? Do I want to give up? If I don’t feel like I can do more, I call it a day and go home. I don't feel guilty because I gave it my best for 10 minutes. But, usually after 10 minutes, the endorphins start kicking in and I feel awake & alive, my body feels less sore, and whatever brain fog was trying to keep my on the couch has lifted. Most days, if I promise myself 10 minutes, I can go on and finish my workout.

Focusing on completing one small goal – just 10 minutes – will ultimately help you accomplish a much larger goal, whether it’s running a 5k or a marathon; riding your bike to work each day or finishing a century; or hiking for 2 miles or to the top of a 14er. Break it down and promise yourself 10.

What are your secrets to success?

It's all in you,

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Tech Tip: How to Avoid a Bear Attack

Grubby Guy sent this video to me. While it's funny, the subject matter is serious. If you are concerned about bear attacks, or spend any time in places where bears live, I would recommend you watch it and learn what to do when you see a bear.

Click here to see the video. Enjoy! Oh, and don't get your head ripped off!


Sunday, September 6, 2009

Tech Tip: Herbal First Aid

A comprehensive first aid kit is essential for any outdoor adventure. You never know what you'll need or when. It could be as simple as a piece of moleskin for a blister, and it could be as complex as a broken bone or shock. You can buy a good, light first aid kit at any outdoors shop, but you can add some herbal elements to help support you in acute situations. One of the best herbal ingredients you can include in your first aid kit is Lavender Essential Oil. Among other uses, Lavender Essential Oil helps with:

  • Anxiety - apply directly to pulse points and breathe deeply
  • Bites - apply directly to the bite
  • Bruises - apply directly to the bruise or make into a compress with bandages
  • Burns - apply immediately to burn; add 10 drops to 1/2 cup water and apply to sunburn
  • Headache - apply to temples, back of neck, or bottom of feet
  • Infections - apply directly to infected area
  • Insect Repellent - add to water and spritz
  • Shock - along with other first aid measures, lavender to pulse points
  • Wounds - apply to area

Here's more information about amazing Lavender.